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Hebei Huayun Hongye Chemical Co., Ltd

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Address: No. 39 Xingze Road, South District, Shenze Economic Development Zone, Hebei Province

Gas drilling fluid

2020-03-20 H:47:12

Petroleum additives


Petroleum continuous phase drilling fluid is a sol-gel suspension mixed system that uses crude oil crude oil as the dispersion medium weighting agent, chemical treatment agent, water as the dispersion phase. Its main components are crude oil, diesel, weighting agent, chemical treatment agent, water. It basically experienced crude oil drilling fluid, oil-based drilling fluid, oil-water (reverse phase lotion) drilling fluid.

(1) Crude oil drilling fluid.

(2) Oil based drilling fluid.

(3) Oil in water (demulsified) drilling fluid

Gas drilling fluid

Gas drilling fluid is a type of drilling fluid that uses air natural gas as the drilling fluid.

Foam drilling fluid is a kind of drilling fluid that uses foam as drilling fluid. Its main components are liquid, gas foam stabilizer.

Drilling fluid is generally divided into eight systems: non dispersed solid polymer drilling fluid, freshwater drilling fluid, saline drilling fluid, saturated saline drilling fluid, calcium treated drilling fluid, potassium based drilling fluid, oil-based drilling fluid, gas drilling fluid, etc.


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