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Hebei Huayun Hongye Chemical Co., Ltd

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Address: No. 39 Xingze Road, South District, Shenze Economic Development Zone, Hebei Province

Polyacrylamide is also used in oil drilling?

2020-03-20 H:35:00

Drilling mud additives


1、 In the process of oilfield drilling, due to the need for the working surface to penetrate the clay layer, soil slurry is prone to increase viscosity when passing through the clay layer. At this time, amide is needed to increase the density viscosity of the drilling fluid. The density viscosity of the drilling fluid should fully consider the slurry making performance drilling speed of the underground clay layer. During daily maintenance, the increase in density viscosity should be strictly controlled to avoid clay pollution.

2、 Sandstone generally has poor cementation, sand particles are prone to invade the drilling fluid, causing an increase in the density viscosity of the amide drilling fluid. It is required that the drilling fluid entering the well has a lower density, viscosity, appropriately high shear force. It is also required to use some drilling fluids with good anti collapse performance to prevent mud sand pollution collapse, to strictly control the sand content of the drilling fluid.

3、 The cementation of conglomerate is poor there is no clay filling, requiring high viscosity shear force of amide drilling fluid to facilitate the operation of the drill bit.

4、 Limestone is generally very hard does require drilling fluid to maintain its stability. Therefore, the density viscosity of the drilling fluid are strict, the crushed limestone will become silt. Therefore, it is necessary to prevent sand sinking drilling. In addition, limestone formations often have other aqueous solutions, so pay attention to leakage prevention. For reference only.


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