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Address: No. 39 Xingze Road, South District, Shenze Economic Development Zone, Hebei Province

Drilling fluid, commonly known as mud

2020-03-20 H:33:19

Drilling mud additives


Drilling fluid, commonly known as mud, is a circulating flushing medium used during drilling. The performance of drilling fluid mainly depends on various high-performance functional additives, while such additives in China mainly rely on imports, which limits the development of deep water exploration wells in China. In response to the national ocean strategy, accelerate the exploration development of deep water oil gas in the South China Sea, break through the bottleneck of deep water drilling fluid technology,

It is understood that it can effectively solve the technical difficulties faced by deepwater well drilling, such as low operating temperature, dispersed hydration of shale, narrow safety density window, serious gas hydrates. The function of shale inhibitors is to firmly adsorb between shale crystal layers, thereby preventing the hydration dispersion of shale maintaining good rheological properties of the mud; The function of the drilling cuttings coating agent is to adsorb on the surface of the drilling cuttings prevent their hydration dispersion, so that the drilling cuttings can maintain a good initial form be carried to the ground; The function of anti mud pack lubricant is to form a stable protective film on the surface of the drill bit drilling tools, prevent mud pack on the drill bit drilling tools, effectively reduce friction torque, improve drilling efficiency. For reference only.


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