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Address: No. 39 Xingze Road, South District, Shenze Economic Development Zone, Hebei Province

The main uses of polyacrylamide (1)

2020-05-14 H:50:36

The Chinese name of PAM (Polyacrylamide) is polyacrylamide. PAM is a commonly used non-ionic polymer flocculant in China, with a molecular weight of 1.5-20 million a commercial concentration of 8%.

Organic polymer flocculants have a huge surface adsorption effect caused by the formation of larger flocs between particles.

Main purpose:

This product has the water-soluble properties of polymer compounds active acyl groups on its main chain, making it widely used in industries such as oil extraction, water treatment, textile printing dyeing, papermaking, mineral processing, coal washing, medicine, sugar making, aquaculture, building materials, agriculture, etc. It is known as a "Baiye Assistant" "Product".



1. Water treatment field

The application of PAM in the water treatment industry mainly includes three aspects: raw water treatment, sewage treatment, industrial water treatment. In raw water treatment, PAM can be used in conjunction with activated carbon to coagulate clarify suspended particles in domestic water; In sewage treatment, PAM can be used for sludge dewatering; In industrial water treatment, it is mainly used as a formula agent. In raw water treatment, using organic flocculant PAM instead of inorganic flocculant can increase the water purification capacity by more than 20% even without modifying the sedimentation tank. Large medium-sized cities use PAM as a supplement when water supply is tight water quality is poor. In sewage treatment, the use of PAM can increase the utilization rate of water recycling.

2. Oil production field

Petroleum additives are mainly used in drilling mud materials improving oil recovery rates in petroleum production. They are widely used in oilfield production operations such as drilling, completion, cementing, fracturing, enhanced oil recovery. They have functions such as viscosity increase, filtration reduction, rheological adjustment, cementation, diversion, profile adjustment. At present, China's oil field production has entered the middle late stages. In order to Enhanced oil recovery, polymer flooding ASP flooding are mainly promoted. Through the injection of polyacrylamide aqueous solution, the oil water velocity ratio is improved to increase the crude oil content of the produced products. The application of polyacrylamide in oil fields is much abroad. Due to special geological conditions in China, Daqing Oil Field Shengli Oil Field have begun to widely use polymer flooding technology.


3. Paper industry

PAM is widely used as a retention agent, filter aid, homogenizer in the papermaking industry. Its function is to improve the quality of paper, improve the dehydration performance of pulp, improve the retention rate of fine fibers fillers, reduce the consumption of raw materials environmental pollution. The effect used in papermaking depends on its average molecular weight, ionic properties, Ionic strength the activity of other copolymers. Non ionic PAM is mainly used to improve the filtration of pulp, increase dry paper strength, improve the retention rate of fibers fillers; Anionic copolymers are mainly used as dry wet strengthening agents retention agents for paper; Cationic copolymers are mainly used for papermaking wastewater treatment filtration assistance, also have good effects on improving the retention rate of fillers. In addition, PAM is also applied to papermaking wastewater treatment fiber recovery.


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