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Hebei Huayun Hongye Chemical Co., Ltd

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Address: No. 39 Xingze Road, South District, Shenze Economic Development Zone, Hebei Province

How to choose corrosion inhibitors

2020-11-09 H:31:34

The corrosion inhibition effect of the corrosion inhibitor series is closely related to its concentration of use, as well as the pH value, temperature, flow rate of the medium, etc. Therefore, strict selection should be made based on the protected object environmental conditions. The potential environmental pollution caused by corrosion inhibitors has attracted attention, the focus on the selection of corrosion inhibitors has shifted to types that do contain heavy metals.

Special corrosion inhibitors can sometimes be selected according to the situation. For example, vapor phase corrosion inhibitors were developed during the World War II used in the transportation storage of metal equipment. They are volatile, can exist in the wet film on the metal surface, have strong adsorption properties, such as dicyclohexanyl ammonium Nitrous acid, which is generally made into tablets dipped on packaging paper.


Fluorocarbon surfactants:

In daily analytical work, surface activity is an important component. Fluorocarbon surfactants are an important type of special surfactants, referring to the hydrogen atoms in the hydrocarbon chain of hydrocarbon surfactants being completely partially replaced by fluorine atoms, that is, the fluorocarbon chain replaces the hydrocarbon chain. Therefore, the non functional groups in surfactants only have hydrophobic properties but also have unique oil repellent properties.

Fluorocarbon surfactants are widely used in various industries such as synthetic detergents, cosmetics, food, rubber, plastics, ink, etc. In photosensitive materials, it is mainly used as wetting agent, emulsifier, Antistatic agent, etc. At the same time, it can also be used as an additive for fire extinguishing agents ink additives, used in oil mining, textile printing dyeing, paper leather processing, environmentally friendly pesticides, synthetic resins, high-end coatings, so on.


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