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Hebei Huayun Hongye Chemical Co., Ltd

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Address: No. 39 Xingze Road, South District, Shenze Economic Development Zone, Hebei Province

Petroleum additives

2020-10-30 H:43:16

Petroleum ether

Nickname: petroleum refining

English name: Petroleum ether, Ligroin, Petroleum benzin, Petroleum spirit, Benzin, Naphtha.

2、 Product characteristics:

Colorless transparent liquid petroleum additives. Has a special odor. No fluorescence. Volatile. It is miscible with anhydrous ethanol, benzene, chloroform, ether, Carbon disulfide, carbon tetrachloride oils (except Castor oil), insoluble in water. Relative density (d2020) 0.625-0.660. Boiling point 30-120 ℃. Flash point -21.7 ℃. Flammable. The mixture of its vapor air can cause an explosion if burned.

3、 Quality standard: (GB/T15894-1995)

4、 Purpose:

Organic solvents. Extractant. Medicine, pesticide extraction washing, cleaning of electronic components optical discs, descaling.


5、 Packaging storage transportation:

Packaging storage shall be carried out in accordance with SH0164-92 "Rules for Packaging, Storage, Delivery Acceptance of Petroleum Products". Special tanks, special lines special vehicles shall be used for storage, transportation use. It is allowed to mix with other oil products. It is forbidden to mix gasoline containing Tetraethyllead substances contaminated by Aspergillus flavus. Containers shall be clean. This product is flammable explosive. The storage transportation containers should comply with regulations, prevent sunlight rain, be stored in a cool ventilated place, away ignition sources, with fire prevention measures.

6、 Hazard nature:

According to the List of Dangerous Goods, it belongs to medium flash point Flammable liquid, No. 32002

Oilfield additives are fine chemical products widely used in the exploration development of oil gas fields in the petroleum industry, as well as in the extraction transportation of oil gas. There are various types of oilfield additives, in-depth research is conducted on the development application prospects of three common oilfield additives: drilling fluid chemicals, oil recovery chemicals, oil gas gathering water treatment chemicals. Fundamentally speaking, the development of the petroleum additives industry is greatly influenced by the downstream oilfield extraction industry.


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