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Petroleum additives

2020-10-09 H:57:58

Oil suspension is a rapidly developing type of pesticide formulation in recent years, which has the advantages of environmental protection high efficacy. Because its continuous phase is oil products, such as methyl oleate, Soybean oil methyl ester, etc., petroleum additives have good affinity with plant leaves can provide better spreading, wetting permeability functions. However, the existing oil suspension products generally have long-term storage stability issues, oil separation bottom formation are common, seriously hindering the vigorous development of oil suspension formulations. Developing high-performance emulsifiers, dispersants, thickeners specifically for oil suspension is the key to solving this problem, which is conducive to promoting industry progress.

Dow has a rich variety sequence of emulsifier dispersant products, screening products with excellent performance to help solve industry problems has been our focus in the past few years. This article focuses on the development process, final formula preparation, performance evaluation results of high-performance oil suspension additives. At present, the POWERBLOXTMOD series of products can be provided to the market for the development validation of oil suspension formulas.


As is well known, oil suspension systems involve many components, including wetting agents, emulsifiers, dispersants, thickeners. If all factors are included in designing experiments, it will result in a large workload. In order to speed up product development reduce Confounding, Lego unit method is used to develop additives, as shown in Figure 1. In the early stage, the compatibility thickening emulsifying effects of thickeners emulsifiers with oil phase were separately studied to screen suitable thickeners emulsifiers; Then, based on the determined dispersion of thickeners emulsifiers in the oil phase.

Further study the compatibility stability of different dispersants in the system; Then introduce the original drug to prepare a complete formula evaluate the storage stability of the formula. The technical assumption followed is that the thickening agent dominates the thickening effect on the continuous phase of the oil phase. Under the same experimental conditions, the thickening effect on the oil phase itself is more obvious, the thickening effect in the final formula system is more significant.

For emulsifiers, when the oil is suspended in actual use diluted with water, the stronger the emulsifying ability of the emulsifier on the oil phase itself, which can reflect the emulsification effect stability of the final formula.


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