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Address: No. 39 Xingze Road, South District, Shenze Economic Development Zone, Hebei Province

Organic silicon used as a drilling additive

2020-03-21 H:38:51

Organic silicon used as a drilling additive

The new non-metallic mineral of rectorite can be used as a deep well mud additive, its various technical indicators are superior to kaolin bentonite; Methylchlorosilane monomer can be used as water shutoff agent after alcoholysis; High curing silicone resin can be used as a binder for coated sand; Polydimethylsiloxane lotion can be used as mud defoamer diluent; Dimethyl silicone oil can be used for defoaming crude oil; Organic silicon crude oil can be used as a demulsifier, so on. The application prospects of organic silicon as a drilling additive are extensive.

Drilling mud additives


Trisulfonic additives refer to three types of products: sulfonated phenolic resin, sulfonated asphalt powder, sulfonated lignite. Among them, sulfonated phenolic resin is widely used. Mainly used as a filter loss agent, with significant salt calcium resistance effects. Sulfonated phenolic resin is prepared by condensation sulfonation of phenol, formaldehyde Sodium bisulfite, then resinification complexation reaction with water to improve the rheology of drilling fluid. Sulfonated lignite is a type of coal that adds a monosulfonic acid group to the benzene ring is resistant to high temperatures. Sulfonated asphalt is the product obtained by the hydrolysis of asphalt Oleum after sulfonation reaction. This additive has strong hydration effect can prevent wellbore collapse. In addition, it also has the functions of lubrication, plugging, resistance reduction. For reference only.


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