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Address: No. 39 Xingze Road, South District, Shenze Economic Development Zone, Hebei Province

The Significance of Reasonable Use of Mud

2020-04-18 H:34:46

The Significance of Reasonable Use of Mud as a Drilling Mud Additive


The rational use of mud in hydrogeological drilling drilling engineering is directly related to improving drilling efficiency, preventing accidents in the hole, increasing the water output of the tube well. The so-called reasonable use of mud refers to the use of mud with different performance based on different hydrogeological conditions the stability of drilling rock layers. This ensures the smooth progress of drilling construction while affecting the water output of the pipe well.

Requirements for drilling mud

The purpose of hydrogeological drilling drilling is to explore the hydrogeological conditions extract groundwater resources. Therefore, during the mud drilling process, attention should be paid to protecting the groundwater aquifer minimizing the damage of the mud to the permeability of the aquifer.

When drilling through an aquifer, after drilling through it, the mud always comes into contact with the aquifer. If the mud is used properly, it is easy to change the permeability of the aquifer affect the water output of the well. Because during the drilling process, if the specific gravity of the mud is too large the pressure of the mud column is greater than the head pressure of the aquifer, the water clay particles in the mud can easily invade the aquifer along the pores cracks of the aquifer under the action of pressure difference. The depth of clay intrusion into aquifers can sometimes reach 20-30 millimeters. In fractured aquifers, the depth of clay intrusion may also exceed the above values.


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