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Address: No. 39 Xingze Road, South District, Shenze Economic Development Zone, Hebei Province

The mechanism of high-temperature resistance of drilling fluid

2020-04-27 H:30:22

Drilling mud additives high-temperature resistance mechanism of drilling fluid:



Drilling fluid is generally composed of slurry soil, treatment agents, drilling cuttings, water, its performance is closely related to the performance of various treatment agents that make up the drilling fluid. For ultra deep high-temperature resistant drilling fluid systems, the key technology is how to maintain control the filtration rheological properties of the drilling fluid under high-temperature high-pressure conditions. Mechanism of high-temperature resistance of drilling fluid

1. The effect of high temperature on clay in drilling fluid

High temperature dispersion of clay

High temperature coalescence of clay

High temperature passivation of clay

2. The effect of high temperature on treatment agents their effectiveness. High temperature degradation of treatment agents. High temperature crosslinking of treatment agents

3. High temperature affects the interaction between the treatment agent clay Under high temperature conditions, the adsorption of the treatment agent on the clay surface will be significantly weakened, which is mainly caused by the intensification of molecular Thermal motion. Under high temperature conditions, the hydration ability of hydrophilic groups on the surface of clay particles in the molecules of the treatment agent will decrease, causing the hydration film to become thinner, thereby weakening the adhesive protection ability of the treatment agent. Domestic research on warm drilling fluid treatment agents drilling fluid systems has also made comparative progress, especially water-based drilling fluid treatment agents. Sulfonate polymers represented by PAMS special treatment agents suitable for high-temperature drilling fluids, such as LP527 MP488, have been developed. Their performance is close to the international advanced level, they have been successfully applied in Daqing Oil Field, with a bottom hole temperature of 213 ° C.


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