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Address: No. 39 Xingze Road, South District, Shenze Economic Development Zone, Hebei Province

What is a petroleum additive

2023-03-02 H:50:23

 What is a petroleum additive: Although it has a certain function, a compound with a relatively single structure is difficult to meet the requirements of multiple functions, the more special a product is, the more serious it often has some shortcomings. In order to compensate for performance deficiencies, various additives, also known as additives, have been developed. There are many types of additives with cross functional wide application, forming a new fine chemical industry. Traditionally, they are classified according to their main application fields, such as plastics, food, feed, printing dyeing, leather, papermaking additives, etc.


The role of additives is to improve product functionality endow new functions. On the premise of ensuring the application performance of the product, adding some inert substances (such as stone powder) for filling to increase weight save costs is called filling agent. Additives can be divided into two categories: processing aids functional aids.

Processing aids are designed to be suitable for processing damage materials prevent performance degradation during processing; Functional additives are improvements endowments with new properties. Taking plastic processing molding as an example, adding plasticizers, heat stabilizers, lubricants, release agents, etc. facilitates processing; Adding antioxidants, light stabilizers, flame retardants, mold inhibitors can improve the performance of plastic products. Usually, the host usage is large, but the effect is significant. Some additives have both functions. Petroleum product additives are widely used in gasoline, kerosene, diesel, lubricants, improving the combustion lubrication performance of oil, protecting machinery equipment, playing an indispensable role in rust prevention, oxidation resistance, ice resistance, anti-static. Food additives are a rapidly developing fine chemical industry that plays an important role in improving food nutrition (such as amino acids inorganic salts), preventing spoilage deterioration (antioxidants), improving food taste (monosodium glutamate), increasing flavor (fluffing agents), facilitating processing (defoamers).


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