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Analyze the technical requirements for separation

2020-03-20 H:51:00

Petroleum additives


1. New Petrochemical Acid Water Treatment Process

Acidic water is wastewater discharged the refining process, containing a large amount of hydrogen sulfide, ammonia nitrogen, volatile phenols, other substances. The current treatment process is steam stripping, which has high steam consumption high treatment costs. Therefore, new treatment processes are being sought to replace sewage stripping, reduce the use of steam, reduce the cost of sewage treatment.

2. Desulfurization liquid treatment

During the operation of the desulfurization system, salt accumulation may occur. After the accumulation of rich salt, the desulfurization liquid needs to be replaced, the generated waste liquid needs to be treated.

Analyze the technical requirements for separation

1. Separation technology for thiophene compounds

A gasoline component oil contains more thiophene compounds. If it can be separated the oil, it can reduce the Hydrodesulfurization load while producing thiophene chemicals to achieve higher added value.

2. Separation technology of isomeric alkanes reforming raw materials

Utilizing advanced separation technology to achieve the separation of normal isomeric alkanes in reforming raw materials, with normal alkanes used as ethylene raw materials the rest as reforming raw materials.


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