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Hebei Huayun Hongye Chemical Co., Ltd

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Address: No. 39 Xingze Road, South District, Shenze Economic Development Zone, Hebei Province

What are the uses of petroleum additives

2020-06-08 H:19:23

Purpose of petroleum additives:

Used for oil field drilling, wax removal, corrosion inhibition, anti swelling, unblocking, etc



The molecular structure is designed by a variety of surface active groups. It has good emulsification effect can form stable oil lotion in water. The use of emulsifiers can form a reverse emulsified oil-based drilling fluid system. Oil based drilling fluid has stable rheological properties, high YP/photovoltaic stability, low high-temperature high-pressure water loss, strong aging before after anti pollution. This system has a wide range of applications. The system between 40 200 ° C has good applicability. The density range ranges 0 92 to 2.30 grams per cubic centimeter. The emulsifier is mainly oil-based drilling fluid emulsifier. It can provide high stability low dosage for drilling fluid systems.


Main components of organic phase drag reducer: hydrogenated polyisoprene, polyisobutene, random polypropylene, block copolymer of butadiene styrene, copolymer of ethylene vinyl ester, polyacrylamide Add 3% to 0.9% aqueous solution to crude oil with a controlled content of 2-5ppm, ethylene propylene copolymer, a comb like copolymer of olefins, etc

Application: Drag reducing agents have been widely used in various fields have achieved good results. For example, after adding polyethylene oxide to the fire hose, using a smaller diameter hose can still maintain the flow rate of water, making it easier for firefighters to carry; Adding drag reducing agents to farmland irrigation can improve irrigation efficiency expand irrigation area; Adding drag reducing agents to water oil transportation systems can save energy consumption; In flood discharge pipelines, using drag reducing agents can also improve flood discharge efficiency when flood peaks occur; In oil well drilling, adding polymer drag reducing agents to the injected water can greatly improve the injection rate. The disadvantage of polymer drag reducing agents is that they are expensive, resistant to shear stress, easy to degrade, have a reduced drag reducing efficiency when used repeatedly over long distances.

Wax removers, chemical agents that can remove wax deposits, can be divided into three categories: oil-based wax removers, water-based wax removers, oil-in-water wax removers. Wax removers are generally used in oil wells in oil fields to remove wax deposits the oil pipes increase oil production by unblocking the pipes. Oil based wax removers are chemical solvents with strong ability to dissolve paraffin wax. Water based wax removers are composed of water, surfactants, mutual solvents, alkaline substances. Oil in water type paraffin remover is composed of water-based paraffin remover as the continuous phase, oil-based paraffin remover as the dispersed phase, non-ionic surfactant as the emulsifier. For reference only.


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