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Hebei Huayun Hongye Chemical Co., Ltd

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                          Manager Liu:13832190992       

                     manager zhang:13643300636



Address: No. 39 Xingze Road, South District, Shenze Economic Development Zone, Hebei Province

What are surfactants?

2020-06-15 H:29:30

Petroleum additivesMechanism of action: Purification effect: 1. Form a molecular protective film on the metal surface of the engine oil circuit to prevent sediment regenerating gold

Surface aggregation plays a role in protecting cleanliness. 2. The main agent molecules adsorb on the sediment carbon deposition surface, causing the sediment carbon deposition amount to increase

Gradually becoming loose washed down as small particles, this is the cleansing effect of the main agent.

Dispersion: these small particles are surrounded by very groups, forming a double Electron shell dispersing in the oil, preventing further aggregation of small particles

Forming large particles to deposit on the metal surface; Some particles mixed in sediment that are difficult to dissolve in gasoline are surrounded increased by gasoline detergents

Dissolved in gasoline, this is the dispersion effect of the main agent.


Surfactant anti icing agent: adsorbed on the metal surface of the vaporizer, forming a coating to prevent direct contact between ice the metal surface of the vaporizer

Touch, form ice crystals on the surface of ice particles that are interconnected deposited on the vaporizer.

Oily additives in load additives:

Emulsifier: Mechanism of action:


In FCC metal passivators, there is a synergistic effect between Na (including Na contained in the molecular sieve itself) V.

Some pressure containing agents in extrusion anti wear agents are combined with pressure containing anti wear agents.

The synergistic effect of sulfurized Alkylphenol salt sulfonate in detergent.

The Succinimide of dispersant is compounded with detergent with high base value (ashless dispersant is compounded with detergent).

The organic compounds of molybdenum have a synergistic effect on reducing wear.

Emission of atmospheric pollutants

(1) The emission of atmospheric pollutants during the construction period is mainly caused by construction dust.

(2) Emission of atmospheric pollutants during the operation period

The waste gas pollution sources are mainly boiler flue gas, spray drying waste gas, dust generated by polyanionic cellulose mixture, graphite kneading feeding dust, non methane total hydrocarbon odor generated by the storage deployment of base oil in the plant the drying of resin balls


Emission of noise pollutants

(1) The main source of noise pollution during the construction period is construction machinery. There are many operating machinery during the construction period, such as loaders, bulldozers, rollers, cranes, cars, etc. These machinery have a noise level of around 5 meters away the sound source during operation.

(2) Noise emissions during operation period

The noise pollution source mainly comes spray dryer, mixer, Kneader reactor, boiler fan, etc., the equipment noise value Between.


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