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Address: No. 39 Xingze Road, South District, Shenze Economic Development Zone, Hebei Province

Drilling mud for mud materials

2020-10-19 H:19:13

Drilling mud also belongs to a type of mud material, commonly known as mud, which is indispensable for oilfield drilling plays a significant role. When drilling, the requirements for mud materials are relatively high, there are generally several requirements.

Firstly, the requirements of drilling circulation for mud materials are low pump pressure (low viscosity), strong sand carrying capacity (high dynamic shear force), low starting pump pressure (low static shear force), good lubrication performance, low friction, small wear (less solid particles). Secondly, it is important to maintain the stability of the wellbore, to balance the pressure column of the drilling fluid with the formation pressure when drilling through the formation, ensuring a stable density of the drilling fluid; When drilling oil gas reservoirs, it is necessary to balance the pressure of oil gas by relying on the pressure column of the drilling fluid. The drilling fluid density is required to be appropriate.

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Require drilling fluid to have the ability to overcome unstable formations, such as wellbore shrinkage caused by mudstone water absorption expansion; Conglomerates volcanic rocks collapse when they encounter water, while salt rocks form caves when they encounter water, which requires drilling fluids with different properties.

Once again, it is required that the mud material can protect the oil gas layer. After drilling the oil gas layer, the drilling fluid comes into contact with the oil gas layer. To prevent the drilling fluid damaging the oil gas layer, it is required to have a small water loss thin mud cake (drilling fluid water loss).

Solid particles with solid pressure difference form a mud cake ring on the wellbore, low solid content, low hydration of the filtrate (chemical interaction between the filtrate the liquid in the formation after entering the formation). Another point is the protection of the ecological environment. If you need mud additives fracturing materials, please contact Shaanxi Fenghua Mud.


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