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Address: No. 39 Xingze Road, South District, Shenze Economic Development Zone, Hebei Province

Drilling mud additives

2021-02-23 H:07:22

The development of oil gas fields is a complex comprehensive engineering process consisting of exploration, drilling, downhole operations, oil production, gathering transportation. In each stage of the homework, a large amount of chemicals are required

As an important auxiliary material for geological exploration, drilling aids have been studied used for many years both domestically internationally, hundreds of related products have been developed.

Drilling fluid, also known as drilling mud. Its function is to break the rock core, carry rock debris, lubricate cool the drill bit, balance formation pressure, protect the wellbore. Maintaining good mud performance is an important means to improve drilling speed ensure downhole safety, while treating agents are the key to ensuring mud optimization.

In oilfield chemicals, drilling fluid completion fluid treatment agents account for about half of the total oilfield chemicals.

A water-soluble chain polymer formed by initiation polymerization of acrylamide monomers.

2、 Purpose


Mainly used as a flocculant for polymer non dispersed low solid-phase water-based drilling fluids, it also has the hydration expansion of mud sheets, reduces drill bit wear, reduces friction resistance between drilling tools mud cakes, has the effects of cross-linking, plugging, shear dilution.

3、 Features

(1) Flocculation: PAM can suspend substances through electric neutralization, bridging adsorption, play a flocculation role;

(2) Adhesion: able to exert adhesion through mechanical, physical, chemical processes;

(3) Resistance reduction: PAM can effectively reduce the frictional resistance of fluids;

(4) Thickening effect: PAM has a thickening effect under both neutral acidic conditions.

4、 Usage dosage

First, add a small amount of water to this product, moisten it to form a gel shape, then add water to stir dissolve it. Add 2% -3% of the amount

Packaging in a three in one paper plastic bag, 25kg/bag.


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