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Address: No. 39 Xingze Road, South District, Shenze Economic Development Zone, Hebei Province

Standardize the methods of drilling fluid treatment agents

2021-11-12 H:45:00

 Standardizing drilling fluids treatment agents, emphasizing the analysis of formation lithology, empirical design to customized drilling fluids based on the characteristics of the encountered formations, improving the adaptability pertinence of drilling fluids, as well as the scientific nature of drilling fluid maintenance treatment, is very important. Based on the actual development of drilling fluids in China, work needs to be carried out in the following areas in the near future:


① The drilling fluid system should only focus on innovation development, but also on inheritance. On the basis of inheritance, innovation should be continuously improved in application. For example, to meet the needs of drilling deep wells, ultra deep wells, extended reach wells, Shale gas horizontal wells under complex geological conditions, the drilling fluid system is constantly improved the aspects of temperature resistance, pollution resistance, wellbore stability, lubrication, anti seize, based on the existing work, through the development serialization of key treatment agents, based on the study of mechanism compatibility of treatment agents.

② On site, attention should be paid to small-scale experiments of drilling fluid, through the guidance of experimental results, a maintenance treatment plan for drilling fluid should be formulated to achieve scientific treatment of drilling fluid, rather than relying on experience to improve treatment efficiency quality. To recognize the importance of pre processing, strengthen the pre processing of drilling fluid predict potential problems. Prevention in advance is more effective than dealing with problems again.

③ Develop high-performance treatment agents, reduce the variety of drilling fluid treatment agents, minimize the amount of treatment agents used while ensuring that the drilling fluid performance meets the requirements. This will reduce the increase in circulating pressure consumption mud pockets of drilling tools caused by the increase in drilling fluid viscosity. Key treatment agents should reduce waste in production, circulation, other processes, improve product quality, reduce complex situations caused by treatment agent quality, other adverse effects, such as increased treatment costs difficulty.

④ The scientific selection use of drilling fluid should recognize that water-based drilling fluid can never replace oil-based drilling fluid. In cases water-based drilling fluid is suitable, oil-based drilling fluid can be selected. When recycling taking appropriate measures, the cost of oil-based drilling fluid may be higher than that of water-based drilling fluid, the pollution of oil-based drilling fluid may be higher than that of water-based drilling fluid.

⑤ In order to meet the needs of protecting the ecological environment, actively focus on the goal of green environmental protection, high temperature resistance salt resistance, develop natural modifiers with good comprehensiveness low production cost, as well as modifiers with Industrial waste agricultural by-products as the main raw materials, establish the means of toxicity detection evaluation of drilling fluid its additives.

⑥ In order to reduce the irreversible destructive impact of drying, crushing other links in the production of treatment agent on product performance, improve the cost performance ratio of treatment agent, reduce the amount of treatment agent, reduce the cost of drilling fluid treatment, the research on the production of drilling fluid treatment agent by reverse lotion polymerization should be strengthened, the storage stability of reverse lotion polymer products under high low temperatures should be studied to expand the application.


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