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Hebei Huayun Hongye Chemical Co., Ltd

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Address: No. 39 Xingze Road, South District, Shenze Economic Development Zone, Hebei Province

What are the additives used in drilling fluid?

2022-03-03 H:45:56

 Drilling fluid additives are used in conjunction with drilling mud during the drilling process to enhance the effectiveness of the drilling mud facilitate mining.

The emulsifier used in drilling fluid is mainly used to make the drilling fluid resistant to high temperature, salt calcium invasion, is conducive to wellbore stability.

Lubricants used in drilling fluid mainly provide a good lubricant for the drilling fluid, reducing the flow resistance filter cake friction coefficient of the drilling fluid, reducing the torque of the drill bit, preventing the drill bit sticking, increasing the water power.

The organic soil activator used in drilling fluid is mainly used for oil-based mud to fully organic the end face of the organic soil, dissolve the organic soil in the oil, improve the colloid rate.

Drilling fluid inhibitors are mainly used for water-based mud to suppress the hydration expansion ability of clay, effectively improving the rheological properties of drilling fluid, reducing dynamic shear force, reducing viscosity, increasing drilling speed.


What is drilling fluid, drilling mud, drilling additives, lubricants?

Mud, also known as drilling fluid, has the ability to carry rock debris functions in preventing collapse, leakage, shrinkage. It is compared to the blood of drilling, indicating the important role of mud in drilling.

According to different classification methods, drilling fluids can be divided into various types, with different classification methods different focuses. According to the functional functions of drilling fluid, drilling fluid (mud) can generally be divided into mud lubricants, mud anti collapse agents, mud shale inhibitors, mud plugging agents, mud viscosity enhancers, mud filtration reducers, so on. Mud lubricant, as the name suggests, is a mud treatment agent that can provide lubrication improve lubrication performance. In the process of communication with customers, we are accustomed to introducing mud products to customers by functional classification. In this way, it helps to more intuitively understand our mud additive products to customers, recommend suitable drilling fluid treatment agent materials based on the specific situations problems encountered on the drilling site provided by customers, in order to achieve targeted treatment. Our goal is consistent with the client's goal, which is to solve the drilling fluid mud material problems encountered by the client during drilling.


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