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Address: No. 39 Xingze Road, South District, Shenze Economic Development Zone, Hebei Province

The main additives used in oil drilling are these two types

2020-08-17 H:24:58

① Oil well cement additives, also known as blocking cement, are used to properly effectively reinforce the various excavation channels of the oil well, in order to achieve the purpose of sealing off the bottom oil gas, preventing water layers affecting oil pipelines, thus creating a closed safe mining environment. the current situation of oil extraction in China, the development of such additives is mainly based on sulfonic acid polymers, commonly used as effective additives, with characteristics such as high temperature resistance, waterproofing, environmental protection. Petroleum additives can significantly improve oil field recovery rate in application, thereby making pipelines more effective stable in operation. Commonly used include dispersants, fluid loss agents, etc.; ② Drilling fluid treatment agent is a new type of plugging product, with no pollution, high temperature resistance, cleanliness, strong plasticity as its main development direction.


There are three types of additives commonly used in crude oil extraction: ① Water blocking agents, mainly used to reduce the impact of water on oilfield production. Increasing water content will reduce the quality of crude oil directly affect the economic benefits of the entire oilfield production. The scientific reasonable application of water blocking agents can greatly reduce the impact of water on oilfield development, improve the efficiency quality of crude oil extraction; ② Fungicides, which are oilfield additives that ensure the quality of crude oil, are widely used in the basic process of crude oil extraction, that is, in oilfield development transportation; ③ Acidic corrosion inhibitors are a serious problem that occurs in oil field exploitation, which can cause damage to mining equipment, thereby affecting mining efficiency progress, causing economic losses for oil mining enterprises. The application of acid corrosion inhibitors can reduce the acid corrosion of mining equipment, reduce mining costs, improve economic benefits.


Oil gas transportation additives, as the name suggests, are oilfield additives used in the process of oil gas transportation. Their function is to ensure that crude oil does condense during transportation can maintain smooth flow during both the injection output of crude oil, ensuring transportation efficiency. Its main components are viscosity reducing agents drag reducing agents. The former can effectively ensure the quality safety of crude oil transportation, while the latter can ensure smooth flow of crude oil to improve transportation efficiency.


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